FX services from a provider you can trust

Take advantage of accurate and reliable exchange rate data at a fixed, low price. We help businesses protect their bottom line by providing reliable exchange rate data you can trust*.

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Services to help you build your company's bottom line

Exchange Rates API Icon - FXDS

Exchange rates API

Our FX data is accurate and reliable, giving your auditors and finance department additional peace of mind. Find out how you can further streamline your processes with our exchange rates API.

Historical Currency Converter Icon - FXDS

Historical currency converter

Access 25 years' data for over 38,000 FX pairs with charting capabilities and easy export to CSV. We also offer web-based charting and data downloads.

Money Transfer Icon - FXDS

FX payments

Fast, secure money transfers with providers you can trust. We offer competitive fees for individual and corporate transfers.

What our clients are saying about us

eBay Logo

"The OANDA team was quick to respond to questions we had, provided test API keys, and has been very responsive to the items and questions we had around the subscription agreement."

Felix Sun, Global Payments, eBay

Nato Logo - FXDS

"The Exchange Rates API provided us with accurate and reliable foreign exchange rates, so we can run our operations with confidence in our numbers. Implementation of the API was seamless, and the OANDA experts were there to help us every step of the way."

Joyce Barbarich, Treasurer at NATO

Gibson Logo

"While other options were discussed, there was no serious consideration beyond OANDA. For us, the uniqueness of OANDA is their broad use and universal acceptance as a go-to for FX data."

Brian Osborn, Corporate Controller, Gibson Brands Inc

GBM Award

Best FX Data Provider - North America

Global Brands Magazine 2020

Trusted by leading global brands

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Easy-to-integrate API

Our FX data API can easily be incorporated into your existing ERP, accounting software, treasury management system, app or website.

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Forex Resources - FXDS

FX resources

Whitepapers, eBooks, articles, guides, infographics and more to help you refine your forex knowledge. Valuable to finance, treasury, and technology professionals.


Our API gives you accurate FX data

As a market maker, our FX data is a blend of prices from our fxTrade platforms and external sources. See how we compare a rate aggregators, who source all of their FX data from third-party providers.

Developer Portal - FXDS

Developer portal

All the resources you need to help your developers integrate our API into your platform, tool or website. Handy guides, integration documents, sample code and more.

Our Clients

See how our clients use our data


268 airlines, 117 countries, 83% of the world's air traffic. IATA and its members operate globally.

See how IATA uses our data

Johnson Controls

A US-based multinational conglomerate producing automotive parts. It employs 170,000 people in 1,300+ locations across 6 continents. In 2012, it was ranked 67th in the Fortune 500 and 251st in the Global 500 lists.

See how Johnson Controls uses our data


Large inter-governmental alliance NATO has international operations spread across multiple countries and continents. We provide foreign exchange data for their internal financial reporting and accounting needs.

See why NATO uses our data
IATA Square - FXDS


268 airlines, 117 countries, 83% of the world's air traffic. IATA and its members operate globally.

See how IATA uses our data
Johnson Square - FXDS

Johnson Controls

A US-based multinational conglomerate producing automotive parts. It employs 170,000 people in 1,300+ locations across 6 continents. In 2012, it was ranked 67th in the Fortune 500 and 251st in the Global 500 lists.

See how Johnson Controls uses our data
NATO Square - FXDS


Large inter-governmental alliance NATO has international operations spread across multiple countries and continents. We provide foreign exchange data for their internal financial reporting and accounting needs.

See why NATO uses our data

Flexible API pricing plans

Our API plans start from $4,500 per year. Or choose a customised plan and get real-time rates, tick data and more.

Current FX data news

Keep your finger on the pulse with our latest articles on foreign exchange. Aimed at finance, treasury and technology professionals.

Historical data for 38,000 FX pairs

Connect to authoritative historical data for thousands of currency pairs going back 30 years.

*Trusted by the US Federal Reserve as well as the big 4 auditors.